
Friday, September 14, 2012

to do.

as inspired by ali, i've decided to be intentional & hopefully maintain some accountability for some tasks which have spent a little too much time on the back burner recently.

here's my mini-to-do...hopefully most of this can be accomplished this weekend...we shall see! (:

- find supplies and complete a DIY for our kitchen {this will require a yard sale date...who's interested!?}

- finish cleaning out our closet.  we have moths.  gross.  and our room looks like a disaster area while i've been cleaning things out. 

- get a haircut.  trim, actually.  but i need it.  badly.

-cook something delicious.

totally doable right??  time to hop on it!

happy friday, friends! 

random snap from croatia...plitvice national park
always makes me calm and happy to remember this place
one of nature's beauties for sure

1 comment:

  1. It' a totally reasonable to do list. I feel like that's the hardest, paring things down each day or each week to what actually needs to get done, or whats doable in the time you've allotted. Well, you're 1 for 1. Proud of you! Excited to hear when that list gets accomplished. xoxo


it's always great to hear from you!